
Configuration file: config.yml

Messages file

This is the file that will be used to access all the plugin messages, it must be located inside the "lang" directory.

By default the plugin comes with messages_en.yml (English) and messages_es.yml (Spanish) files, but you can add as many files as you want, as long as they are inside the lang folder.

Blocked commands

# Banned Commands list (in chat)
  # If you want to use the global command blocker (the list of blocked commands in this file) enable this option
  use-global-list: true
  # Use this list only if the above option is set to true, otherwise use the groups.yml lists
    - "pl"
    - "bukkit:pl"
    - "plugins"
    - "bukkit:plugins"
    - "help"
    - "bukkit:help"
    - "icanhasbukkit"
    - "bukkit:icanhasbukkit"
    - "ver"
    - "bukkit:ver"
    - "version"
    - "bukkit:version"
    - "about"
    - "bukkit:about"
    - "?"
  • use-global-list: If enabled, the list of blocked commands of the corresponding group will be used and not this global list

  • blocked-commands: The global list of blocked comndos

Blocked <TAB> commands

  # Blocks all commands that contain “:”
  block-extra-commands: true

  # If you want to use the global tab blocker (the list of tab blocked commands in this file) enable this option
  use-global-list: true
  # Modes:
  # 1 -> Blacklist
  # 2 -> Whitelist
  mode: 1
  # Use this list only if the "use-global-list" option is set to true, otherwise use the groups.yml lists
    - "ver"
    - "about"
    - "version"
    - "help"
    - "?"

  # Register commands in tab autocomplete
    use-global-list: true
      - "r"
  • block-extra-commands: This option blocks all commands containing ":", e.g.: bukkit:pl

  • use-global-list: This option determines whether to use the global list of this file or the list of the corresponding group

  • mode: Determines whether the list is a Blacklist (1) or a Whitelist (2)

  • blocked-commands: The global list of blocked/added commands (depending on the mode) in the /<TAB>

  • Register:

    • use-global-list: This option determines whether to use the global list of this file or the list of the corresponding group.

Last updated